Hero-Shambo: Paper Rock Scissors with a twist
Learning new names Building a team atmosphere without feeling loss over losing a game Keeps eliminated individuals actively involved
Group Size
None needed
Set Up
Set up is the same as paper rock scissors (aka roshambo)
Have everyone pair up and get ready for a good match of paper rock scissors; specify single elimination or best of 3 (depending on time alloted) Here's the catch: The loser becomes the victors most ardent cheerleader. If Frank beats Charlie, Charlie follows Frank around for the following rounds cheering his name - "GO FRANK, GO FRANK! FRANK FRANK FRANK!" Every time you win, you also win over that individual's cheerleaders. In other words, say you have won a few rounds and you have 5 cheerleaders following you around chanting your name...but then you lose -- then you cheer on the person who beat you; and your cheerleaders do the same.
Ask them how they felt cheering for a team - if they won, how did it feel to have half the group cheering your name?
Creative alternatives are welcome!