Special pages
Maintenance reports
- Broken redirects
- Dead-end pages
- Double redirects
- Long pages
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- Orphaned pages
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- Pages without language links
- Protected pages
- Protected titles
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- Uncategorized categories
- Uncategorized files
- Uncategorized pages
- Uncategorized templates
- Unused categories
- Unused files
- Unused templates
- Wanted categories
- Wanted files
- Wanted pages
- Wanted templates
Lists of pages
Login / create account
Users and rights
Recent changes and logs
Media reports and uploads
Data and tools
Redirecting special pages
High use pages
Page tools
Other special pages
- Browse wiki
- Concepts
- Create a category
- Create a form
- Create a property
- Create a template
- Edit with form
- Export pages to RDF
- Forms
- Import CSV
- Import XML
- Properties
- Run query
- Search by property
- Semantic search
- Semantic statistics
- Start of form
- Templates
- Types
- Unused properties
- View XML
- Wanted properties
- Normal special pages.
- Restricted special pages.