
Category:Children can be included

1,404 bytes added, 22:05, 4 March 2014
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Many activities can include people of various ages.
Try these with only children alone(with appropriate modifications). Or, enjoy a mixed group!
=== Elementary-Aged Children in Groups ===
:When children reach the age of 5 or 6 years, they typically become very social beings. Establishing friendships and figuring out peer group dynamics become central to their beings. Throughout their elementary years, they are interested in social rules and morals, appropriate interactive behavior, and working together.
:Thus this is a ripe time for formation of teams and collaborative projects.
:Another characteristic of this stage of development is the blossoming of the imagination and thus the ability to understand the perspective of another person. Empathy can be channeled into ways to contribute to the good of others, such as volunteer work for their wider community.
:Because children at this age also want to have a voice and achieve intellectual freedom, they are passionate about taking part in plans and decisions, and like to experience leadership.
:Several activities listed by Teampedia are designated in the category “children can be included.” When including those of ages 6 – 12, consider such things as how you model cooperation, ways they can contribute ideas, how they can feel useful, and what decisions they can make.
:''Thanks to educator Dr. Maria Montessori for insights into child development and ways to employ that knowledge ultimately toward peaceful relations in the world.''
 :A Teampedia review by [[User:Jana Zvibleman|jana z]]   Note: ''Children may be included in additional activities listed in Teampedia - we have not yet categorized all of them. Please add items to this category as you find them.''