* this is '''''<big>one of my fav resources </big>)''''(and team building activity The_Tallest_Tower') <sub>- seani @seani - @adamphowell @richards92</sub>
* ''''''<big>Awesome collaborative encyclopedia of team building activities, icebreakers, teamwork resources, and tools for teams</big>'''''' <sub>- Sally @SallyHart72</sub>
* ''''''<big>Great collection of activities</big>'''''' from Teampedia <sub>- Sarah Feather @SarahHannah</sub>
* i'm looking through this site now Teampedia ''''''<big>i can't believe there's a wiki for team building activities</big>'''''' <sub>- Mr. Gerbear @mr_gerbear @Amour_Victoria</sub>
* omg i remember doing this game in high school at one point - The_Tallest_Tower <sub>- Mr. Gerbear @mr_gerbear</sub>
* Teampedia - '''a collaborative encyclopedia''' of free team building activities <sub>- internet4classrooms @internet4classr - http://ow.ly/f52yP #5thchat</sub>
* ''''''<big>Excellent website for team building activities</big>'''''' <sub>- Vickey Alvarez @VickeyAlvarez</sub>
* <big>Teampedia is ''''''a very cool resource''''''.</big> <sub>- http://j.mp/Pz4VkG Scott Willeke @activescott</sub>